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Really fun concept, I had a blast :) There are some ways to cheese it, especially in the last boss, where if you only have sword 3 cards you kind of can't lose, but of course that depends on luck! I always have trouble coming up with good ideas in game jams so I'm baffled people can come up with such simple yet entertaining ideas!


Thanks for playing!! I’m glad people are still having fun with this :D I never came up with any good ideas for countering the cheese sadly


great game, thanks!

thank you!

(2 edits) (+1)

Great game! I saw this in Jonas's video and thought the concept was really cool. I'm surprised how well I was able to control the AI. I like that you could see the enemies' thoughts which allowed me to plan ahead. I wish there was music to groove along to, but I understand how these things pan out. SFX worked well. Loved the dialog.

Great game!


Thanks so much for playing! I'm surprised anyone would remember this game from Jonas's video since he only mentioned it in passing :)
I was planning to make music, but time ran out, and now that the jam is done I'm working on other stuff but maybe one day I'll get in the mood for making card game music, who knows


Wait I just realized you're the one who made Necroking.. fantasic game!! I really loved it and the summoning effects were really cool :)


Thank you! 😊


An amazing game. Couldn't finish it though, a bit too long.

Thanks for playin :)


Super cool game ! There is potential for more cards and enemies. I just don't understand why the mage comes after the golem but other than that it was fun. Well done

Thanks a lot! To be honest I decided the enemy order at the end of the jam in like 5 minutes, so that's probably why lol


Realy good game! My favourite game of the jam so far!
The third boss that always defended was the hardest thought

Glad you liked it! Haha yeah, I had some issues with balancing at the end, since I added the enemies so late


This is so good, great job :)

Thank you so much :D


Enemy: Attacks

Q: Heals

Enemy: Heals



Hahahaha this is exactly what I wanted people to experience